Walkthrough Inspection

A walkthrough inspection is a quick visual assessment regarding the condition of the house. The process is not as comprehensive as the standard home inspection, takes shorter time, and significantly cheaper. As the name suggested, the inspector will walk through the house with the buyer, then verbally describe their general opinion and impression of the house. Any issues (major and minor) found during the walkthrough session will be pointed out so that the buyer will have all the important information before putting up an offer.

Typically, during sellers market, buyers choose to waive home inspection to sweeten their offer against other competitors. This can be appealing to the sellers who ultimately prefers to speed up the closing process and also avoid expensive costs related to the issues found during inspection. However, this action will put the buyers at risks of not knowing the actual condition of the house.

A walkthrough inspection will help to put their mind at ease to at least have a professional opinion on the house.